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Although many of our plans have been curtailed as we have been unable to visit Bulgaria, we have still been very active supporting two young people who we brought to the UK for their safety and good health. One young man needed specialist health care not available in Bulgaria and if we had not been able to bring him to the UK his future looked extremely bleak. His carer has written a brief account of his story (names changed to protect identities) - here it is:

Mitan’s story is truly remarkable. 

The Doctors here investigated to find Mitan had a rare and uniquely growing tumour on one knee area. But they would not operate or consider any treatment without knowing for certain that Mitan could stay in the UK.


As we filled in the forms and prayed constantly for God's will to be done, we strongly felt Mitan needed to stay in the country... we knew everything relied upon this permission to stay in the UK.

God must have guided the immigration officers hand to stamp approval to stay, as we were all told this would be impossible to achieve. “Mitan would not work”, “Mitan would be a liability for the country and not contribute”.... “they won’t let him stay!”

Prayer is powerful. We knew God's hand was in this and we were on the right track to play a small part in God's plan for Mitan.

The Joy we felt was both uplifting and humbling all at the same time. But there was still much work to be done.

The status Mitan received would give him free NHS care but not social services provision until he had been in the country for 5 years. 

A multitude of appointments in Birmingham Hospital followed, with x-rays, blood tests and scans spaced out over months recording the growth of the tumour and assessing Mitan's health. Mitan underwent biopsies and constant regular mobility assessments. Each time several appointments were made for different departments and stays overnight in Birmingham were sometimes necessary for this.

 During this time another hurdle was thrown in our path. Was Mitan able to make a decision about having this operation himself?

So work on assessments and evidence were collected. Much prayer was again needed because the result would affect the route decisions could be made and how long that would take.

Many meetings with various professionals ensued. Tests were done and a brain scan. Eventually we had a diagnosis that reflected Mitan's sad past in Bulgaria. Although I am unable to share this due to confidentiality I can tell you this diagnosis will always mean he needs care and his understanding/mental age remains that of a young junior.

A final assessment with a large price tag was done!. The Doctors were now able to make a decision in Mitan's best interest with the approval and support from his sister Raji and the House of Rachel team. Another answer to prayer!!!!

A couple of appointments were needed before an operation. The plan was discussed, the worst scenario of an above the knee amputation was a real possibility so further appointments were made to explain the possible impacts on both Mitan's and Raji lives. This was an incredibly emotional and stressful time for Raji and the team. More prayer and practical learning of acceptance that God is in control made a big impact.

As things progressed further and the possibility of an operation became real, thoughts turned to finance. Applications were made for funding. Aftercare was a real concern to the surgeons to ensure the best chance to Mitan's recovery whichever operation route was followed. Aftercare was especially needed as concerns around Mitan's ability to recognise his own limitations and if he could make adjustments to his mobility safely.

After further meetings an operation was offered that would take out the whole section of the knee. It would mean Mitan's leg would not bend and be slightly shorter. If all went well it would mean he would keep his leg!!!. We prayed for Raji to be able to stay with Mitan, to comfort and reassure him and to translate for the Hospital workers. This again was highly unlikely to be allowed due to Covid. We prayed again and this time we had quick answer to prayer. Raji was given permission.

Covid testing and transport were arranged. All made more complicated by the need for Raji to accompany (a situation that is not normally allowed !!!).Checking and confirming at each step Raji and Mitan finally get to Birmingham and wait for their final Covid test results before the operation. Raji kept in touch regularly by phone, encouraged and comforted by the team. Restrictions meant that she was not allowed out of the hospital and was often confined to the ward or their room!!!! An experience that lost it's novelty after a while.

The seconds before Mitan counted down under the anaesthetic he talked to us and we wished him well. Raji stayed on the phone and told us that he was asleep and was now being wheeled in the theatre. Emotional for all of us. Much more prayer but also amazement and wonder of God’s grace that we were used to get to this momentous point powerfully hit us.

As each hour passed Raji kept in touch. We talked often, encouraging each other and reminding her that God was looking after Mitan. Mitan was in theatre 7 1/2 hours and in recovery for a further 3 before being moved to intensive care. He then spent a further 24 hours there before returning to the ward.

 Raji was able to join him at intensive care, this was at night but she did not get much sleep. 

The Doctors did not visit for some time due to it being a weekend giving Raji and the team an anxious wait. The leg was heavily dressed and Mitan was constantly in and out of sleep under high pain relief. Mitan suffered lots of sickness but still was able to talk to us and as usual was remarkably cheerful. The Doctors said to Raji that the operation was completed ok but warned they would not know its success for some month’s time.

On Raji and Mitan's return home we expected to have to carry Mitan up the steps to their flat. Mitan pointed to the cases and indicated for us to take them. He took his crutches and scaled the steps, carefully but with confidence.....We were amazed and delighted. God is good , Glory be to Him.


It was made very clear Mitan would need recovery care and intensive physio for many months. There would be regular checks to assess the success of the operation....if blood circulation or nerve/muscle repair levels are not achieved then amputation could still happen.

Mitan has achieved walking on his straight leg with one crutch for support. He has a foot raiser inside his shoe to level the leg while out and about. It is amazing how he scales steps and continues to improve the amount of time he can walk. Physio exercises need to be done regularly to improve balance and circulation, to aid healing the tissues, nerves, fibres and blood vessels.

Mitan has gone from being in considerable increasing pain with a tumour which would have eventually meant no choice but to amputate, affected posture and the reliance on two crutches with no government financial support TO NOW the use of one crutch, minimal pain, no tumour, much improved posture, the use of a foot raiser and some small government financial support. 

 Mitan's personality shines through all this. He lives in the moment and is able to approach each trial with no fear of the future. He is determined, spirited and grateful for each moment God gives him.

The effect of God so visually and powerfully at work has far reaching ripples to all those that know Mitan including his sister Raji.

Both their stories are a true testament of God at work today. We are humbled by his greatness, amazed by his miracles and encouraged by the power of prayer.


 Home & School for children with special needs

Krivnya is just one of our many projects but is a good example of how your support has enabled us to improve the lives of the children. 
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